English to hausa meaning of

A matsayin suna, “kyawawan” na nufin wani siriri, nau’in abinci mai kauri, kamar guntun dankalin turawa ko yanki apple. M, gaggautsa, ko sauƙin karyewa cikin ƙanƙanta lokacin da aka cije ko an danna shi. a cikin fayyace ko dalla-dalla. Taƙaice, taƙaitacce, kuma zuwa ga ma'ana, kamar yadda yake cikin magana ko rubutu. A matsayin fi’ili, “kyakkyawa” na nufin sanya wani abu mai ƙarfi ko mara ƙarfi, yawanci ta hanyar sanya shi ga zafi ko bushewa, kamar gasa ko gasa.

Sentence Examples

  1. The ticking over of the small engine was drawing the attention of birds that feasted on dropped foods and crisp packets.
  2. A few stragglers roamed the motel, clueless braindead freaks were waddling in the mesmerising crisp red dawn.
  3. The name tag on his crisp, white, buttoned-up shirt helped too.
  4. Crisp, white columns lined the front steps to the red brick home, which sprawled out over several thousand square feet.
  5. The snow had ceased falling, and the air became crisp and cold.
  6. Confidently, I march in the front door to find him in a crisp black suit, looking a bit like a panther.
  7. I try to ignore it but the crisp voices emanating from bubbly faces draw me in.
  8. We opened a cold, crisp pinot gris and tucked into a couple of new cheeses.
  9. Maybe he had, or maybe I was so accustomed to seeing him in his crisp uniform, the faded flannel shirt and jeans looked odd on him.
  10. Summer was definitely gone and the fall Iowa air could get pretty crisp later in the day.