English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "cream" na iya bambanta dangane da mahallin, amma wasu ma'anoni masu yiwuwa su ne: Ruwa mai kauri mai launin fari ko rawaya wanda ya tashi zuwa saman madara. /li> Kyakkyawan kayan kwalliyar da ake shafa wa fata don damshi ko kare ta. li>Don a doke ko gauraya kayan abinci, musamman man shanu da sukari, har sai sun zama santsi kuma su yi laushi. > Don kayar da wani da kyau, musamman a cikin gasa ko wasa.Waɗannan wasu ma'anoni ne na kalmar "cream," amma ana iya samun wasu ma'anoni dangane da mahallin. >

Sentence Examples

  1. He said his folks always had cake and ice cream, but I think we should try for something special.
  2. Between the new paella recipe she was testing out and the scrumptious coconut cream pie, I was in a food coma for most of the evening.
  3. So I made five dollars helping Della, which was as good as being paid five dollars to eat ice cream.
  4. Daerwyn looked like a cat indulging in a bowl of cream.
  5. Cream colored carpets offset by cherry cabinets and matching end tables brought a certain amount of luxuriousness to the space, while black trim and glossy finishes added a touch of elegance.
  6. We giggle like idiots, until Jack returns with triple chocolate brownies topped with homemade vanilla ice cream, caramel cheesecake, fruit tarts and oh my God crème brûlée laced with raspberries, accompanied by cups of espresso.
  7. They stopped under a clump of bananas, the fruit of which, as healthy as bread and as succulent as cream, was amply partaken of and appreciated.
  8. The door opens on my knock, and a tall woman in her fifties, garbed in a cream trouser suit, welcomes me inside.
  9. Plush cream rugs were strewn in intervals over dark, rustic wood floors, and huge bay windows displayed a dim, overcast sky with a canopy of green forest in the distance.
  10. I made garlic bread and threw together a pasta dish with zucchini, tomatoes, orange peppers, and a white cream sauce.