English to hausa meaning of

A matsayin suna, "crank" yana da ma'anoni da yawa. Ga kaɗan: Na'urar injina da ta ƙunshi hannu ko lever da ke manne da igiya mai juyawa, ana amfani da ita don samar da motsi ko ƙarfi. unconventional views or faith. Mutumin da yake fushi ko rashin jin daɗi. /ol>A matsayin fi'ili, "crank" yana nufin juya hannu ko lefa don sarrafa na'urar inji ko samar da motsi ko karfi. Hakanan yana iya nufin haifar da wani abu ya fara ko zama mai aiki, ko bayyanawa ko riƙe ra'ayoyi ko imani da ba su dace ba.

Sentence Examples

  1. The stowage was clumsily done, and the vessel consequently crank.
  2. A couple crank calls, but that could have been anyone.
  3. My first irascible old crank of the day had arrived, and it was my responsibility to set things straight.
  4. Edwardo let go of the crank and jumped out of the way to keep from being hit by its inertial spinning.
  5. He opened the door and took the crank from the floorboards.
  6. It made me want to crank the thermostat up another few degrees.
  7. Edwardo had begun turning the crank, and it squeaked at first, making me cringe.
  8. I continued to crank through some more numbers for MPE.
  9. While the pack of dogs ate the sections of beef in the shade of the shed, Lyra crossed the yard to the well and turned the crank, the magic-infused winch rotating effortlessly as a full bucket of water rose to the top.
  10. He attached it through the grill to turn the crank and it started on the first try.