English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "crane" na iya zama ko dai suna ko fi'ili.A matsayin suna, "crane" yana nufin wata babbar inji mai tsayi da ake amfani da ita don ɗagawa da motsa abubuwa masu nauyi. Yawanci ya ƙunshi dogon hannu mai ƙugiya ko wata na'ura mai ɗagawa da ke maƙala a ƙarshensa, wanda aka ɗora a kan tushe kuma ana iya jujjuya shi zuwa matsayi daban-daban.A matsayin fi'ili, "crane" yana nufin miqe wuya ko jikin mutum don ganin wani abu mafi kyau, ko kuma ɗagawa ko motsa wani abu ta amfani da injin crane.

Sentence Examples

  1. JAKE WAS able to watch the raising and removal of the sarcophagus, a delicate operation involving a hydraulic crane, chains, and a flatbed truck.
  2. I began by teaching them the six katas of an exercise called The Silent Crane.
  3. The Silent Crane is a deceptive, yet arduous exercise.
  4. With some trouble, I was able to crane around to get a look at the biggest man I had ever seen.
  5. Then Officer Crane turned on the bedside lamp and took a good look at the man in the bed.
  6. It took every ounce of will power I possessed not to crane my neck around for a better look at such a beautiful yet terrifying creature.
  7. I tried to crane my neck so I could see the top of the massive rock, but I had to lay on my back to have any chance of doing so.
  8. Nothing short of a crane could get him out of the chair for the rest of the night.
  9. The dock to the north with its long row of shipping containers and the occasional crane lending the ocean setting an industrial feel.
  10. In places where the crash barriers are absent, I slip gear down to second and crane my neck, ignoring the car on my tail.