English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "fashe" na iya dogara da amfani da ita a cikin wani yanayi na musamman, amma wasu ma'anar ma'anar sun haɗa da: Broken or fractured: Lokacin da wani abu ya fashe ya samu tsagewa daya ko fiye ko karaya a samansa ko tsarinsa. Misali, fashe-fashe na fure yana da bayyane a cikin kayan yumbunsa. ko kuma yana da aibi. Misali, muryar “fashe” na iya nufin mutumin da ke fama da rera waƙa saboda raunin murya ko rashin lafiya. kalma mai ban tsoro don bayyana wanda ba shi da kwanciyar hankali ko rashin tabbas. Alal misali, wani yana iya cewa “wannan mutumin ya fashe” don ya nuna cewa ya yi imani cewa mutumin mahaukaci ne. don bayyana wanda ya samu nasara ko ya nuna fasaha ko iyawa ta musamman. Misali, "ta fasa lambar" tana iya nufin wani wanda ya yi nasarar warware matsala mai wuyar warwarewa ko matsala.


  1. alligatored

Sentence Examples

  1. Breathing in, she cracked open the guest room door and peeked out into the corridor, listening.
  2. It was always cool enough up there to leave Jake in the truck with the windows cracked.
  3. Splintering wood cracked through the air, and I swung around for another look.
  4. Before he could rise to his feet a huge fist cracked against his jaw, making his vision flash black and his hearing muffle.
  5. Hurdling through the air into the center of the clearing, he came to a stop on top of an old, cracked stump.
  6. Weeds grew between the cracked paving stones and from the back, the house looked run-down and abandoned.
  7. Then it screeched, a grating cry that cracked the glass in several car windows.
  8. I choose the stairs, picking my way over the cracked and broken treads, steadying my ascent using the wall, avoiding holding the banister rail.
  9. The entertainment center we bought at Walmart consisting of that lovely particle board had literally melted with the TV lying cracked in the middle of the puddle.
  10. She could hear the reluctance in his voice, and he moved slowly away from the wall, heading toward a cracked door that was spilling a thin sliver of yellow light out into what she now saw was a garden.