English to hausa meaning of

Akwai ma'anoni daban-daban na kalmar "cowl", dangane da mahallin da aka yi amfani da ita. Ga wasu ma’anoni da aka fi sani da su:Kafafi ko rigar rufa da ’yan zuhudu, zuhudu, ko ’yan fariar ke sawa.Babban ɓangaren gaban gaban mota jiki, wanda ke rufe sashin injin. ko yanayi.Gaba ɗaya, kalmar “cowl” tana nufin abin rufe fuska ko murfi da ake sawa ko amfani da shi don rufe wani abu dabam.

Sentence Examples

  1. Ada had transformed a beautiful violet robe into a cowl necked, sleeveless dress.
  2. Orinax stood behind her, his own cowl lowered from his head, expression neutral as he too appraised the large gate ahead.
  3. The wind tugged strands of blue hair from my cowl.
  4. She wore a lovely dark blue gown that was reminiscent of a robe, with its long wide sleeves and deep cowl neck.
  5. Something about constantly wearing a cowl made me feel trapped.
  6. Hawke tightened the cowl he had secured around his face, double checking to make sure mine was equally snug.
  7. Reluctantly, I pulled the cowl back over my head, covering my hair, resuming my sentence in the shadows once again.
  8. The man lifted his cowl enough for Janis to make out his face.
  9. I tucked it beneath my cowl, hoping to keep it hidden.
  10. I removed my cloak next, and though I sat alone in the room, I still felt as if someone were watching as I removed the cowl.