English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "haɗe" ita ce haɗawa ko haɗa abubuwa biyu tare, yawanci don wata manufa ko aiki. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga mutane biyu waɗanda ke cikin dangantaka ko haɗin gwiwa. Bugu da ƙari, "haɗe-haɗe" na iya nufin yin aiki tare cikin jituwa ko haɗin gwiwa da wani abu dabam.


  1. conjugate
  2. conjugated

Sentence Examples

  1. His trim frame coupled with his energy and strength showed he clearly kept himself in top physical shape.
  2. When coupled with her skill at sneaking up on him, leaping from the wall and down to his garden without making a noise, he felt it was safe to assume that Miss Wyland had plenty of useful skills.
  3. Coupled with a full head of chestnut hair and sparkling hazel eyes, my uncle had no problems with the ladies.
  4. He sent out an image of a firesite coupled with a feeling of uncertainty to Waterstone and received back an image of a nearby clearing.
  5. And coupled with his embezzling, Jeff would be going to prison for a very long time.
  6. I made an attempt to sit but the old pain in the back of my head, coupled with the new pain in my nose, attached to the other pains running from my hair to my knees, was excruciating.
  7. A kind of meat, not from any animal she recognised, coupled with food resembling bright-blue peas and green potatoes.
  8. They were coupled with an odd exuberance despite all of the awful and mysterious goings on.
  9. Coupled with the note about killing Ralph, it had only been a matter of time before Kandi had been arrested on suspicion of murder.
  10. His needs were modest, but his lower rent coupled with the slight increase in his wages would allow him to live more comfortably, and it was difficult to quibble with that.