English to hausa meaning of

A matsayin suna, “auduga” na nufin zaren laushi mai laushi da ke tsirowa a cikin boll ko capsule mai kariya a kusa da tsaba na shukar auduga, wanda galibi ana amfani da shi don yin yadi da sutura. A matsayin fi’ili, “auduga” na iya nufin son sha’awa ko samun jituwa da wani ko wani abu, galibi ana amfani da shi a cikin jumlar “auduga zuwa.”

Sentence Examples

  1. My own simple cotton dress suddenly feels like a hessian sack.
  2. From the bag she carried, Eliza pulled out a piece of felt, wooden toaster tongs, a set of white cotton gloves, and some fleece.
  3. Closest to the fire sat a hooded figure bulkier and taller than the rest, wearing a chainmail vest over their cloak and crude cotton breeches with leather cuisses.
  4. When I open my mouth, Derik takes it away and pulls a cotton ball from seemingly nowhere.
  5. Many of the Parsee merchants have made great fortunes there by dealing in cotton and one of them, Sir Jametsee Jeejeebhoy, was made a baronet by the English government.
  6. I stepped outside for some fresh air where forget-me-not blue skies and scattered cotton ball clouds greeted me.
  7. Anne pulled on a soft cotton shift and headed for the kitchen.
  8. When I return to the kitchen wearing a loose cotton blouse and a fawn skirt, Shirley is sifting through the pile of assorted magazines and books stacked on top of the bookcase beside the pens.
  9. Lynx stood in the doorway, wearing a short, green, cotton robe and holding a steaming mug in her hands.
  10. I go up to the bedroom and change into a plain cotton dress and my best sandals.