English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "madaidaici" shine "samun kamanceceniya ko haɗin gwiwa" ko "mai kama da matsayi, manufa, ko aiki." Hakanan yana iya nufin "musayar haruffa ko sadarwa" ko "ma'amala da wani abu ko yanayi ta hanyar da ta dace ko ta dace."

Sentence Examples

  1. It took him almost an hour to finish corresponding with his contacts and set up necessary appointments.
  2. When this distension has so far progressed that the bulk of the corpse is materially increased without a corresponding increase of mass or weight, its specific gravity becomes less than that of the water displaced, and it forthwith makes its appearance at the surface.
  3. I took and read the letter, which was couched in terms so flattering that even I myself felt it would be wrong in my father not to comply with the request the duke made in it, which was that he would send me immediately to him, as he wished me to become the companion, not servant, of his eldest son, and would take upon himself the charge of placing me in a position corresponding to the esteem in which he held me.
  4. Magnifications were made of the damage on the paint coating, corresponding quite well to other pictures that had been made of red paint traces that the crowbar had left on the doorpost of the garage.
  5. In the room below corresponding to the one above was placed the person who was to answer, with his mouth to the tube, and the voice, as in an ear-trumpet, passed from above downwards, and from below upwards, the words coming clearly and distinctly it was impossible, thus, to detect the trick.
  6. Feeling it, I also felt a corresponding mood change.
  7. I am looking forward to corresponding with you and becoming better acquainted.
  8. Slowly, I became aware of a crick in my neck, and a corresponding ache in my side.
  9. In that portion of the cloth forming the bottom, was likewise, a fourth window, of the same kind, and corresponding with a small aperture in the floor of the car itself.
  10. Give us, then, flowers in the hat corresponding to those worn by the missing girl, and we seek for nothing farther.