English to hausa meaning of

Akwai ma'anoni da yawa masu yuwuwa ga kalmar "sanyi," dangane da mahallin: ko kuma kirjin kankara. dauke da barasa, wanda aka yi sanyi. Mutumin da ke sanyaya wani abu, kamar fanfo ko na'urar sanyaya iska. Watakar da ba ta dace ba ga wanda ke da natsuwa da haɗe-haɗe, musamman a cikin matsi ko cikin mawuyacin hali. Doki da ya yi tsere a kwanan nan kuma aka ba shi hutu daga gasar don ya warke ya huta.

Sentence Examples

  1. Instead of a howling, panic-stricken mob eager to escape danger, I sensed now men with cooler heads and firm determination beginning to take control.
  2. Jake and I went back upstairs, and I came down again with a cooler for the truck.
  3. It seemed cooler in the valley at the resort than it was in the desert.
  4. The air became cooler the deeper we walked, and it smelled musty and old.
  5. Even through her gloves, she could tell the temperature was several degrees cooler than the room.
  6. Pepper out of the cooler and dug round in my pocket for my change.
  7. They then brought him his ass, and mounting him on top of it they put his jacket round him and the compassionate Maritornes, seeing him so exhausted, thought fit to refresh him with a jug of water, and that it might be all the cooler she fetched it from the well.
  8. After her shower, she shucked into a tank-top, shorts and flip-flops hoping that would help keep her cooler.
  9. The plan of a drain, the change of a fence, the felling of a tree, and the destination of every acre for wheat, turnips, or spring corn, was entered into with as much equality of interest by John, as his cooler manners rendered possible and if his willing brother ever left him any thing to inquire about, his inquiries even approached a tone of eagerness.
  10. The officer of forty stood and walked past the water cooler.