English to hausa meaning of

A matsayin suna, kalmar “dafa” tana nufin mutumin da yake shirya abinci don ci, yawanci a matsayin sana’a ko kuma a matsayin sana’a. cin abinci, ko dai ta hanyar dumama shi, hada kayan abinci, ko bin takamaiman girke-girke. Hakanan yana iya nufin canza wani abu ko sarrafa wani abu ta hanyar da ba na gaskiya ko gaskiya ba, ko kuma batawa ko bata wani abu da wata manufa ta musamman.

Sentence Examples

  1. What need would they have of a cook or servant on an American steamer, and what confidence would they put in him, dressed as he was?
  2. As it drew towards us, Uraj and I tried our hand at using our newfound power to burn it alive with the flame from our cook fire, but the grinel laughed off the flames just as easily as it did the swords.
  3. At a separate table, a hefty cook was dismembering a skinned deer using a sharp hatchet.
  4. When I arrived home, I offered to cook dinner since my mother was running behind from visiting Eleanor.
  5. With a slight frown of annoyance, the cook casually directed a thin stream of grey magic at the bone and lifted it off the floor into the waiting bucket before returning to his chopping.
  6. Lurline and Eva always cook too much, just in case more people show than they expected.
  7. For the first few days, Nana D had entertained Emma and taught her how to cook.
  8. Plus she was a housekeeper and cook for the grandfather too.
  9. Everyone had a hand in cooking breakfast for the camp, led by their head cook who called himself Porridge and seemed to perpetually have flour covered hands.
  10. He would offer himself as a cook or servant, in payment of his passage and meals.