English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na "mai raɗaɗi" ita ce: ta hanyar da aka yi alama da raunin tsoka ba tare da son rai ba; a cikin yanayin spastic ko spasmodic. Yana nufin wani abu da ake siffanta shi da motsi na kwatsam, tashin hankali, da kuma motsin da ba za a iya sarrafa su ba, kamar wanda ke faruwa a lokacin jijjiga ko kamewa. Hakanan ana iya komawa ga wani abu da aka yi da ƙarfi ko ƙarfi, kamar wanda yake yin hakan ya kasa sarrafa kansa.

Sentence Examples

  1. When the procession stopped, this shadow was recognized as Morrel, who, with his coat buttoned up to his throat, his face livid, and convulsively crushing his hat between his fingers, leaned against a tree, situated on an elevation commanding the mausoleum, so that none of the funeral details could escape his observation.
  2. The brief space had, however, been sufficient for a man, followed by a number of servants, to rush from the house before which the accident had occurred, and, as the coachman opened the door of the carriage, to take from it a lady who was convulsively grasping the cushions with one hand, while with the other she pressed to her bosom the young boy, who had lost consciousness.
  3. This time he fell on his knees, and, clasping his hands convulsively, uttered a prayer intelligible to God alone.
  4. She sat down, took Edward on her knees, and from time to time pressed this child, on whom her affections appeared centred, almost convulsively to her bosom.
  5. Wrenching the needle out, he tossed it onto the passenger seat and massaged his left pectoral convulsively.
  6. It interested me, even at that moment, to see, that, whilst the face of white set passion worked convulsively over the bowed head, the hands tenderly and lovingly stroked the ruffled hair.
  7. Suddenly, almost convulsively, he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her even closer, bending down to rest his forehead on the top of her head.
  8. For a moment he convulsively pressed his head within his hands, and during that brief period he became nearly mad with terror but soon a ray of hope glimmered in the multitude of thoughts which bewildered his mind, and a faint smile played upon his white lips and pallid cheeks.
  9. Then fearing that his paroxysm might get the better of him, he clutched with one hand the branch of a tree against which he was leaning, and with the other convulsively grasped the dagger with a carved handle which was in his belt, and which, unwittingly, he drew from the scabbard from time to time.
  10. Her entire body convulsively shuddered at the thought, and omigod what was happening to her?