English to hausa meaning of

Sentence Examples

  1. Anselmo embraced him warmly and affectionately, and thanked him for his offer as if he had bestowed some great favour upon him and it was agreed between them to set about it the next day, Anselmo affording opportunity and time to Lothario to converse alone with Camilla, and furnishing him with money and jewels to offer and present to her.
  2. She sat back in the carriage, unwilling to watch the two converse anymore.
  3. The plan was to drop off the drive and leave not converse with John Brown.
  4. It was one of the favorite subjects for the slaves to talk about when we had a little bit of free time to converse over our meals there had been dozens of tales of demons laying entire towns to waste, leaving them as nothing more than burning fields and razed buildings.
  5. Loud, crowded, filled with peasant folk who wanted to drink and eat some but converse with friends more, I found a small table almost in the center of the inn.
  6. I also worry about my tried and true Converse sneakers my mother calls adolescent.
  7. Several of the new arrivals tried to converse with those in orange, but every attempt at an interaction was ignored.
  8. Weston had, by gentle encouragement, overcome so much of her embarrassment, as to bring her to converse on the important subject.
  9. I grabbed my favorite brown Converse shoes from the shoe rack, slipped them on, slung my backpack over my shoulder, and rushed out the front door.
  10. A wizard with the gift of talking to the dead can converse with the mighty and the common, with kings and heroes, or with farmers and merchants.