English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "contrivance" na'ura ne, tsari, ko makirci wanda aka tsara da wayo kuma sau da yawa yana da sigar dabara ko ƙirƙira. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga aikin ƙirƙira ko tsara wani abu ta hanyar wayo ko ƙirƙira. Gabaɗaya, contrivance shine mafita mai ƙirƙira ga matsala ko hanyar cimma sakamakon da ake so, galibi ya haɗa da wani matakin fasaha, fasaha, ko wayo.

Sentence Examples

  1. Cide Hamete adds that this marvellous contrivance stood for some ten or twelve days but that, as it became noised abroad through the city that he had in his house an enchanted head that answered all who asked questions of it, Don Antonio, fearing it might come to the ears of the watchful sentinels of our faith, explained the matter to the inquisitors, who commanded him to break it up and have done with it, lest the ignorant vulgar should be scandalised.
  2. Every one knew how laborious the usual method is of attaining to arts and sciences whereas by his contrivance the most ignorant person, at a reasonable charge, and with a little bodily labor, may write books in philosophy, poetry, politics, law, mathematics, and theology, without the least assistance from genius or study.
  3. By this contrivance I got into the inmost court and, lying down upon my side, I applied my face to the windows of the middle stories, which were left open on purpose, and discovered the most splendid apartments that can be imagined.
  4. He wished the road might be impassable, that he might be able to keep them all at Randalls and with the utmost good-will was sure that accommodation might be found for every body, calling on his wife to agree with him, that with a little contrivance, every body might be lodged, which she hardly knew how to do, from the consciousness of there being but two spare rooms in the house.
  5. There must be all sorts in the world and though we may be all knights, there is a great difference between one and another for the courtiers, without quitting their chambers, or the threshold of the court, range the world over by looking at a map, without its costing them a farthing, and without suffering heat or cold, hunger or thirst but we, the true knights-errant, measure the whole earth with our own feet, exposed to the sun, to the cold, to the air, to the inclemencies of heaven, by day and night, on foot and on horseback nor do we only know enemies in pictures, but in their own real shapes and at all risks and on all occasions we attack them, without any regard to childish points or rules of single combat, whether one has or has not a shorter lance or sword, whether one carries relics or any secret contrivance about him, whether or not the sun is to be divided and portioned out, and other niceties of the sort that are observed in set combats of man to man, that you know nothing about, but I do.
  6. Three hundred tailors were employed in the same manner to make me clothes but they had another contrivance for taking my measure.
  7. Legrand led the way with decision pausing only for an instant, here and there, to consult what appeared to be certain landmarks of his own contrivance upon a former occasion.
  8. All the adventures at the Castle of Miraguarda are excellent and of admirable contrivance, and the language is polished and clear, studying and observing the style befitting the speaker with propriety and judgment.
  9. This enabled me to see perpendicularly down, but having found it impossible to place any similar contrivance overhead, on account of the peculiar manner of closing up the opening there, and the consequent wrinkles in the cloth, I could expect to see no objects situated directly in my zenith.
  10. I made my humblest acknowledgment to this illustrious person for his great communicativeness, and promised if ever I had the good fortune to return to my native country, that I would do him justice, as the sole inventor of this wonderful machine, the form and contrivance of which I desired leave to delineate upon paper.