English to hausa meaning of

Dan kwangila shine mutum ko kamfani wanda ya yarda ya samar da kaya ko ayyuka ga wani bangare a karkashin sharuddan kwangila. A wasu kalmomi, ɗan kwangila shine wanda aka ɗauka don yin takamaiman aiki ko samar da wani samfur ko sabis don musanyawa don biyan kuɗi. Kwangilar kwangilar yawanci tana zayyana iyakokin aiki, lokacin kammalawa, sharuɗɗan biyan kuɗi, da duk wasu cikakkun bayanai masu dacewa. 'Yan kwangila za su iya yin aiki a cikin masana'antu daban-daban, ciki har da gine-gine, injiniyanci, IT, da shawarwari.


  1. contractile organ

Sentence Examples

  1. Between family and his work as a contractor for the Ministry of Defence, he had real purpose.
  2. A new furnace would need to be a top priority on her contractor list.
  3. I could, however, hire Jess as an outside contractor investigating the movements of a suspicious individual in a blue Ford Mondeo, and who travelled to Saigon to spy on me in The Rex Hotel.
  4. The baronet has been in communication with the architect who prepared the plans for Sir Charles, and with a contractor from London, so that we may expect great changes to begin here soon.
  5. Last she heard, he was living in California working as a building contractor.
  6. I hired the best contractor I could find to do the framing, walls, ceilings, fireplace, and concrete floor.