English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "contraband" ita ce:(noun) kayan da aka shigo da su ko fitarwa ba bisa ka'ida ba, yawanci ba tare da biyan haraji ko harajin da ake bukata ba; haram ko haramcin da aka yi fasa-kwaurinsa ko aka yi ciniki da shi ba bisa ka’ida ba. da ya shafi fasa-kwauri ko cinikin kayayyaki ba bisa ka’ida ba.Misali, “Hukumomi sun kama wasu muggan kwayoyi masu yawa a kan iyaka”. ko kuma "Mallakar kayan haram kamar makamai haramun ne a gidan yari."

Sentence Examples

  1. They were looking for concealed weapons, smuggled Jewish folks, runaway airmen, and contraband food.
  2. In his hand he swayed a ferule, that sceptre of despotic power the birch of justice reposed on three nails behind the throne, a constant terror to evil doers, while on the desk before him might be seen sundry contraband articles and prohibited weapons, detected upon the persons of idle urchins, such as half-munched apples, popguns, whirligigs, fly-cages, and whole legions of rampant little paper gamecocks.
  3. It was a dark moonless night, perfect for smugglers to exchange contraband.
  4. He had scarcely been a week at Leghorn before the hold of his vessel was filled with printed muslins, contraband cottons, English powder, and tobacco on which the excise had forgotten to put its mark.
  5. Each side of the tunnel had been made into storage for contraband inside the hollow Barrier wall.
  6. I sent the other fireteam back to the base while we bagged and tagged the little bit of contraband we found.