English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "contingent" na iya bambanta dangane da mahallin, amma wasu ma'anoni gama gari sun haɗa da: Ya dogara da wasu yanayi ko yanayi; mai yiwuwa amma ba tabbas; sharadi. Ƙungiyar mutane masu wakiltar ƙungiya ko ƙasa, yawanci wanda ke shiga cikin babban taron ko ayyuka. , wanda aka raba tsakanin gungun mutane ko kungiyoyi. nasarar. . Kamfanin yana da rukunin ma'aikata da aka sadaukar don sabis na abokin ciniki. kudaden da za ku samu a matsayin kari ya dogara ne kan yadda kamfanin ke gudanar da ayyukansa a wannan kwata-kwata.

Sentence Examples

  1. He had only a small contingent of soldiers after all, and one airship was nothing against the entire kingdom of Thure.
  2. A field of virtual corpses later and I left the training complex slightly less aggravated, though that changed when I had to sidestep a contingent of junior guards who kept glancing at me and talking in low voices.
  3. Lavern led a small contingent of expert archers to act as perimeter cover in case of attack.
  4. The full contingent of Nitrovex board members was arrayed before Kate around the packed conference table.
  5. They were the royal aviaries Rogarian Imperial troops used to house the contingent of Great Wings and their riders.
  6. Soon afterward, a small contingent of monks decided to split from our order and start their own.
  7. He knew the small contingent of soldiers they brought with them all knew their jobs.
  8. At the corner of Arlington Street our contingent got out and strolled into the Green Park.
  9. I knew Karlsburg would have a large contingent of such warriors.
  10. A door within the apartments was thrown open and a large contingent of men moved rapidly through the deserted apartments behind us.