English to hausa meaning of

Kalmar “consult” kalma ce mai ma’ana da yawa, amma gaba xaya tana nufin neman shawara, bayani, ko jagora daga wanda ake ganin masani ne ko kwararre a wani fanni. Ga ‘yan ma’anar “shawara”:Don neman bayani ko shawara daga wani: Ya ƙunshi tuntuɓar ko tattaunawa da ƙwararru ko ƙwararru don samun fahimtarsu ko shawarwari. Misali: "Ina bukata in tuntubi likita game da alamomi na." Don tattaunawa ko tattaunawa da wani kafin yanke shawara: Ya ƙunshi neman ra'ayi ko shigar da wasu kafin a yanke shawara. daukar matakin mataki. Misali: "Bari mu tuntubi kungiyar kafin mu kammala shirin aikin." takarda, ko wani abu da aka rubuta don bayani ko bayani. Misali: "Na tuntubi ƙamus don nemo ma'anar kalmar." Don ba da ƙwararru ko ƙwararrun shawara ko ayyuka ga wani: Ya ƙunshi ba da jagora, shawarwari, ko ƙwarewa a wani fage na musamman. Misali: "Lauyan zai tuntubi abokin ciniki game da zaɓuɓɓukan doka."A taƙaice, "shawara" gabaɗaya yana nufin neman shawara, tattaunawa da wasu, ko nuni ga tushen bayanai kafin yanke shawara ko tattara ilimi a wani yanki na musamman.

Sentence Examples

  1. Satisfied, Richard marches off down the plaza, slowing to a normal pace as he nears the café end, not wanting to appear too excited, his urge to consult Paula stronger than ever.
  2. When we met together, the first thing was to consult as to taking Mina again into our confidence.
  3. Besides, he has another reason to consult her and this gives him the perfect opening.
  4. Krozemund, the Chief Anatomical Examiner, assured Chief Flim that he would consult with an Apothecist as necessary to confirm the nature of the substance in the vial, but he said he could typically discern what someone had ingested by the effects it had on the body.
  5. Now I know well that you medical men speak in camera, and that a man must not expect to know what they consult about in private.
  6. Legrand led the way with decision pausing only for an instant, here and there, to consult what appeared to be certain landmarks of his own contrivance upon a former occasion.
  7. John will stay with Madam Mina and me, and we shall consult.
  8. For a comprehensive understanding of the facts, the reader must always consult works of non-fiction.
  9. I shall come in for tea, and we can go away together I am filled with anxiety, and want to consult with you alone as soon as I can after you have seen her.
  10. Friend John, you come with me home, for I have much to consult about, and you can help me.