English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "ƙaddara" shine iyakancewa ko ƙuntatawa wanda ke hana wani ko wani abu yin aiki ko hali ta wata hanya. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga tilastawa ko wani ƙarfi da ke motsa wani ya yi wani abu ta musamman. Gabaɗaya, ƙuntatawa ita ce duk wani abu da ke iyakancewa ko ƙuntata ikon mutum na yin wani abu.

Sentence Examples

  1. I have, as you know, wealth of my own, and I covet not that of others my taste is for freedom, and I have no relish for constraint I neither love nor hate anyone I do not deceive this one or court that, or trifle with one or play with another.
  2. As soon as Tarkyn and Waterstone were left alone, an air of constraint descended.
  3. There was an air of constraint around the woodman and his previous confident style in his dealings with the prince was conspicuously absent.
  4. The number of hours you can work in a day is a constraint.
  5. There was some initial constraint, but gradually the atmosphere around the firesite became more congenial than it had been previously.
  6. And the curate bade him remember that only death could part Luscinda from Cardenio that even if some sword were to separate them they would think their death most happy and that in a case that admitted of no remedy his wisest course was, by conquering and putting a constraint upon himself, to show a generous mind, and of his own accord suffer these two to enjoy the happiness Heaven had granted them.
  7. With me he was warm as ever, and to Van Helsing he was sweetly courteous but I could not help seeing that there was some constraint with him.
  8. With that constraint out of the way, they began to speak in their native tongue and revealed their predicament.
  9. He put a constraint upon himself, and struggled to repel and repress the pleasure he found in contemplating Camilla when alone he blamed himself for his weakness, called himself a bad friend, nay a bad Christian then he argued the matter and compared himself with Anselmo always coming to the conclusion that the folly and rashness of Anselmo had been worse than his faithlessness, and that if he could excuse his intentions as easily before God as with man, he had no reason to fear any punishment for his offence.
  10. I remember well how sad and dreary those days and hours were to me I remember well how I began to doubt as they went by, and even to lose confidence in the faith of Don Fernando and I remember, too, how my maid heard those words in reproof of her audacity that she had not heard before, and how I was forced to put a constraint on my tears and on the expression of my countenance, not to give my parents cause to ask me why I was so melancholy, and drive me to invent falsehoods in reply.