English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "la'anta" ita ce nuna rashin amincewa da wani abu ko wani, yanke hukunci a kan wani abu ko wani a matsayin wanda bai dace ba, mai laifi ko abin zargi, ko kuma bayyana wani abu a matsayin wanda bai dace da amfani ko rashin lafiya ba. /p>

Sentence Examples

  1. We refrain from our natural urges to condemn others.
  2. How then can this reporter, though he remains dedicated to the ideal of peace and brotherhood, condemn the desire of a certain element of the darker community in their efforts to organize and prepare for battle, as the enemy has organized into a fraternity of demonic principles and blatant symbolism that flaunts those principles?
  3. Renard is still pressing Mary to condemn me to the Tower, but the Council feels there is not sufficient evidence.
  4. You condemn her and her parents by that statement!
  5. Every criminal I condemn seems to me living evidence that I am not a hideous exception to the rest.
  6. She was convinced Mary would condemn her to the Tower and shortly after take her head.
  7. If this be an ordered selfishness, then we should pause before we condemn any one for the vice of egoism, for there may be deeper root for its causes than we have knowledge of.
  8. But to do so would condemn their sister, and he would die before letting anything worse happen to Evie.
  9. Come, tell me, for which of the stupidities you have observed in me do you condemn and abuse me, and bid me go home and look after my house and wife and children, without knowing whether I have any?
  10. He could not condemn them for what they would have done, had they grown up savage.

TV Series Examples



You condemn yourself