English to hausa meaning of

Ana iya ma'anar "concert" a matsayin:a : wasan kwaikwayo na jama'a (kamar kiɗa ko rawa) b : taron jama'a yarjejeniya, daidaituwa jituwar aiki, haɗin kaiA matsayin fi’ili, “concert” na nufin “kawo cikin yarjejeniya ko jituwa."

Sentence Examples

  1. The murmur soon became more distinct it now seemed like a distant concert of human voices accompanied by brass instruments.
  2. Richard recognises him immediately as that irritatingly sycophantic fan, Fred Spice, who accosted him one time at a music concert and has been popping up on the island ever since.
  3. I could still hear them, but they sounded closer to a packed restaurant than a rock concert.
  4. The concert continued on for over an hour in this way.
  5. The applause that followed shamed the applause from the beginning of the concert.
  6. A buzz formed behind my eyes, and the concert blaring in my head quieted to a dull hum.
  7. I had broached the subject a few times after the night of the concert.
  8. It was similar to the violin I saw at the concert, only much larger.
  9. The thunder in my head was starting to resemble a rock concert.
  10. She thought it would be a fun twist to rearrange all the tables in Stanton Concert Hall to face the center of the room.