English to hausa meaning of

Ma’anar ƙamus na kalmar “rikitarwa” tana nufin launi da siffa da kamannin fatar mutum, musamman a fuska. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga gaba ɗaya kamanni ko halayen wani abu, kamar yanayi ko matsala. A wasu mahallin, ana iya amfani da "rikitarwa" don bayyana cikakken inganci ko yanayin wani abu, kamar launin kasuwanci ko ƙungiya.

Sentence Examples

  1. He was a man of fifty, a sort of sea-wolf, with big eyes, a complexion of oxidised copper, red hair and thick neck, and a growling voice.
  2. A thin man of forty with a dark complexion leered at us.
  3. I forbade him from doing anything else until he had washed up and made something more presentable of his gaunt, haggard complexion lest he be mistaken for a grinel.
  4. She looked half Hispanic, her dark gold skin contrasting with his own pasty complexion.
  5. The slight orange twinge to his complexion hinted at a spray-on tan.
  6. His eyes were blue, his complexion rubicund, his figure almost portly and well-built, his body muscular, and his physical powers fully developed by the exercises of his younger days.
  7. His complexion was lighter than the others, more moonlight white beneath dark hair.
  8. Her complexion is a pale white, almost vampire white, with bangs cut just above her eyebrows.
  9. Let me pause to observe that the complexion of this man is dark and swarthy it was no common swarthiness which constituted the sole point of remembrance, both as regards Valence and Madame Deluc.
  10. With his complexion slightly paler than it had been moments ago, Aaric lowered his head and forced an agreeable answer.