English to hausa meaning of

Kalmar “rikitacciyar” tana iya samun ma’anoni da dama dangane da mahallin da aka yi amfani da ita. Ga wasu ma’anoni kaɗan masu yiwuwa:Adjective: wanda ya ƙunshi sassa masu haɗin kai ko saƙa; mai rikitarwa ko rikitarwa Misali: "Ka'idojin hada kayan wasan yara sun yi matukar wuya in bi." ba mai sauki ba Misali: "Matsalar canjin yanayi tana da sarkakiya kuma za ta bukaci mafita mai yawa." babban yanki na ƙasa Misali: "Kamfanin ofis ya ƙunshi gine-gine da yawa da kuma babban wurin ajiye motoci." Noun: yanayin tunanin mutum da ke nuna rashin isa, damuwa, ko rashin ƙarfi, sau da yawa yana tasowa daga rashin warwarewa. rikice-rikice a farkon yara Misali: "Mai ilimin hanyoyin kwantar da hankali ya taimaka mata aiki ta hanyar jin ƙanƙanta kuma ta shawo kan rukunin ta." Misali: "Kamfanin da aka samu lokacin da ion karfe ya haɗe tare da ligands don samar da haɗin haɗin gwiwa."


  1. building complex

Sentence Examples

  1. The call you overheard came from someone in Grey Sports Complex.
  2. Stop by Grey Sports Complex to test the ridiculous new systems that were integrated into our curiously modernized athletic facility.
  3. Why he was at Grey Sports Complex at the same moment someone had pushed Lorraine through the window?
  4. A recent six-figure donation was carelessly handed over to Grey Sports Complex for improving the technology infrastructure of the athletic facility, returfing the baseball field, and securing a modern bus for the players traveling to opposing teams.
  5. I had to agree with the blogger that something was unusual about the anonymous donations and their distribution to Grey Sports Complex.
  6. Jordan and Carla were also in Grey Sports Complex during that time, but you saw them at a quarter to seven when the cable car arrived at North Campus.
  7. Ten minutes later, I stood outside Grey Sports Complex, a giant series of three-story buildings connected by a common, central entranceway.
  8. Once arriving at Grey Sports Complex, I entered reception and checked the digital monitors on the walls opposite me.
  9. He instructed me to take the cable car back to North Campus to meet him at Grey Sports Complex.
  10. I wanted to hit the fitness center but had no desire to go back to the third floor of Grey Sports Complex given what had last happened there.