English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na "compiling" shine tsarin tattarawa da tsara bayanai ko bayanai daga wurare daban-daban da kuma haɗa su a cikin takarda ko shirin guda ɗaya. A cikin mahallin shirye-shiryen kwamfuta, haɗawa yana nufin tsarin fassara lambar tushe da mutum zai iya karantawa zuwa lambar da za a iya aiwatar da na'ura. Wannan tsari ya ƙunshi matakai da yawa, gami da bincike na lexical, nazarin ma'auni, nazarin ma'ana, haɓaka lambar, da tsara lamba. Lambar da za a iya aiwatarwa za a iya amfani da ita akan kwamfuta ko wata na'ura.


  1. compilation

Sentence Examples

  1. Wings in the oven, the rest of the food set out on the counter, Emlen pulled out her laptop and phone, and prepared to add to the cloud database they were compiling.
  2. The tips flickered and licked the air, compiling until it formed a bridge that reached to the heavens.
  3. OmniLab was originally a company that operated as a medical research facility, dedicated to compiling information on the millions of people populating the planet.
  4. Her only ally lay behind that desk, compiling on her computer.
  5. Mpendulo and I were taking a step by step approach to prove this was possible for MPE and at the same compiling evidence that it would never work for bottled water.