English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "mai tursasawa" tana da tasiri mai ƙarfi kuma maras ƙarfi, mai gamsarwa, mai gamsarwa, ko jan hankali. Yana nufin wani abu mai rarrashi ko jan hankali har ya tilasta wa wani ya dauki mataki ko gaskata wani abu. Hakanan yana iya nufin neman kulawa nan da nan ko aiki, ko kuma zama mai ban sha'awa ko ban sha'awa ta yadda zai riƙe hankali sosai.

Sentence Examples

  1. Hot, flustered, and caught in the moment, I relinquished to his compelling touch and consented when his tongue connected with mine.
  2. All which presents itself now to my mind, urging, persuading, and even compelling me to demonstrate in your case the purpose for which Heaven sent me into the world and caused me to make profession of the order of chivalry to which I belong, and the vow I took therein to give aid to those in need and under the oppression of the strong.
  3. Exhaustion was compelling me to close my eyes and sleep.
  4. Now I had many compelling reasons to say involved in the case.
  5. He thought of dumping her from the narrative and coming up with a more compelling sleuth, but with Paula he felt comfortable.
  6. This same Casildea, then, that I speak of, requited my honourable passion and gentle aspirations by compelling me, as his stepmother did Hercules, to engage in many perils of various sorts, at the end of each promising me that, with the end of the next, the object of my hopes should be attained but my labours have gone on increasing link by link until they are past counting, nor do I know what will be the last one that is to be the beginning of the accomplishment of my chaste desires.
  7. Worse, those who wish to destroy the Bretan will now have an even more compelling reason to do so.
  8. Then he focused his compelling eyes on me, like I was the camera.
  9. I cast my eyes downward in submission, compelling my wolf to retreat.
  10. A compelling story told through the eyes and voice of two remarkable narrators who possess the same hopes and dreams for a new life.