English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "wuri na gama gari" sifa ce da ke bayyana wani abu na yau da kullun, wanda ba shi da ma'ana, ko kuma bai dace ba. Hakanan ana iya amfani da ita azaman suna don komawa ga magana ko ra'ayi da aka yi amfani da shi sosai ko kaɗan har ya zama clichéd ko banal. Hakanan ana iya amfani da kalmar don komawa zuwa littafi ko littafin rubutu inda mutum ya rubuta ko tattara bayanai na yau da kullun, kamar maganganun magana ko gaskiya.

Sentence Examples

  1. They were commonplace things on Earth, but on Luddeccea, apparently, they were considered an extravagance.
  2. But I knew my father had connections with other worlds where magic-based sources were commonplace.
  3. You cannot take me for a commonplace man, a mere rattle, emitting a vague and senseless noise.
  4. Shouting matches were commonplace at the Beanery, but these men were too engrossed and well beyond the age of college.
  5. Cervantes at times makes it a kind of commonplace book for occasional essays and criticisms, or for the observations and reflections and gathered wisdom of a long and stirring life.
  6. When a troubadour professed his readiness to obey his lady in all things, he made it incumbent upon the next comer, if he wished to avoid the imputation of tameness and commonplace, to declare himself the slave of her will, which the next was compelled to cap by some still stronger declaration and so expressions of devotion went on rising one above the other like biddings at an auction, and a conventional language of gallantry and theory of love came into being that in time permeated the literature of Southern Europe, and bore fruit, in one direction in the transcendental worship of Beatrice and Laura, and in another in the grotesque idolatry which found exponents in writers like Feliciano de Silva.
  7. The advantage of this is that he is enabled to make use of Don Quixote as a mouthpiece for his own reflections, and so, without seeming to digress, allow himself the relief of digression when he requires it, as freely as in a commonplace book.
  8. The inhabitants craved the lost memorabilia that had once been commonplace in their society.
  9. Pain and suffering have become so commonplace in this world, it was naturally expected from one and all.
  10. She expected it to be tangier this close, to blot out commonplace sensations.