English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "hukumar" na iya bambanta dangane da mahallin da aka yi amfani da shi. Ga wasu ma’anoni kaɗan masu yiwuwa: Ƙungiyar mutanen da aka naɗa ko aka ba su izini don yin wani aiki ko aiki. aiki ko aiki. Kudi ko kaso da aka biya wa wani don siyar da kaya ko ayyuka ko don kammala wani aiki. kamar aikin fasaha ko gini. Takardar da za ta ba wani ikon yin wani aiki ko aiki na musamman. commission" might be used in sentences:Shugaban ya nada kwamitin da zai binciki musabbabin faduwar kasuwar hannun jarin kwanan nan. harabar sabon ginin ofis. Mai sayar da shi ya sami kwamishina na 10% akan duk kayayyakin da aka sayar. /li> Sojan ya samu kwamishina a matsayin jami'in soja bayan ya kammala horo.

Sentence Examples

  1. He again repeated the message and commission with which he was to go on his behalf to his lady Dulcinea, and said he was not to be uneasy as to the payment of his services, for before leaving home he had made his will, in which he would find himself fully recompensed in the matter of wages in due proportion to the time he had served but if God delivered him safe, sound, and unhurt out of that danger, he might look upon the promised island as much more than certain.
  2. Some of the drawings look like ideas for the La Mareta commission.
  3. He usually keeps good time, although when I went to the studio I understood he wanted to complete the island landscape on his easel, a commission for a Swedish doctor who owns a villa in Mancha Blanca.
  4. Thursday means four more days until the commission winner will be announced and five days since Celestino disappeared.
  5. Celestino has been missing for four days and the La Mareta commission will be announced in five.
  6. Plus, with Hector out of the way, Cole would take his place and get a huge commission on the sales.
  7. The desk top is empty save for his computer and, open atop his keyboard, the letter acknowledging receipt of his application to secure a commission of indigenous artworks for La Mareta, a stately home soon to be opened to the public.
  8. Six days until the winner of the La Mareta commission will be announced and reason is getting away from me.
  9. Or the commission is taking far longer than he anticipated.
  10. His head was bowed down upon his hands, and he pored, with a fiery unquiet eye, over a paper which I took to be a commission, and which, at all events, bore the signature of a monarch.