English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "daɗi" shine kasancewa cikin yanayi na sauƙi na jiki ko na tunani, ba tare da jin daɗi ko zafi ba. Hakanan yana iya nufin samar da kwanciyar hankali da walwala, ko dacewa ko dacewa.

Sentence Examples

  1. Stripping off his formal uniform, Kila pulled on a loose tunic and a comfortable pair of breeches.
  2. They waved Burl in without her having to break her stride, telling Kila that they were both quite familiar and quite comfortable with her presence in the Hall.
  3. He thought of dumping her from the narrative and coming up with a more compelling sleuth, but with Paula he felt comfortable.
  4. But gradually, I got more comfortable and started to recognize some of the birds and trees.
  5. Abundant evidence went a long way toward making them comfortable with their convictions, but they could make mistakes like everyone else.
  6. The ladderback chairs were remarkably comfortable, handmade by Bobby Mason, whose family had been crafting furniture since Daniel Boone lived nearby.
  7. The coiled energy with which she moved suggested a powerful woman, one comfortable with the physicality of her own body.
  8. I tried to shift position, but it was impossible to get comfortable with my hands and ankles cuffed.
  9. Ally and I trekked along the maple-lined sidewalks in comfortable silence.
  10. Calculation was never comfortable for him, and he hoped it never would be, but experience had taught him that a studied bit of calculation applied well could yield excellent results.

TV Series Examples



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