English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "ginshiƙi" na iya bambanta dangane da mahallin, amma gabaɗaya, yana nufin tsari ko wani abu a tsaye wanda yake da silidi, mai tsayi, kuma galibi ana amfani dashi don tallafi ko ado. Ga wasu ma’anar kalmar gama-gari: shafi a cikin jarida. Shirin bayanai ko bayanai a tsaye a cikin tebur, maƙunsar rubutu, ko wani takarda, yawanci ana raba shi ta hanyar layi ko gefe. /li> File ko jerin labarai na yau da kullun a cikin jarida ko mujallu, wanda marubuci ɗaya ke rubutawa ko akan maudu'i iri ɗaya. sharuddan, tsarin dakaru da aka tsara a layi, galibi ana amfani da su don bukukuwan bukukuwa. p > A cikin kimiyyar kwamfuta, tsarin bayanai a tsaye a cikin fayil ko tebur na bayanai.


  1. chromatography column

Sentence Examples

  1. I stared at the strong column of his throat and remembered.
  2. My freelancing career so far has consisted of a travel column in the local weekly, some home and garden features in a regional magazine and book reviews for an academic journal, all of which have kept me in mac and cheese for three months.
  3. He did the opposite, moving his hands around my neck and clasping the column lightly.
  4. This was a gain to Phileas Fogg of two days since his departure from London, and he calmly entered the fact in the itinerary, in the column of gains.
  5. She leaned her shoulder on the column and crossed her arms over her chest.
  6. A winding staircase of stone led around a column to the higher levels of the castle.
  7. I just fell in with a column of people and wandered in here with them.
  8. A column of water burst from the pond and rose twenty feet into the air.
  9. As it cleared the roof of the forest, the column bent before the force of the wind just as a slender sapling would.
  10. Then the wizard directed more power into it so that instead of being pushed before the wind, the green column streamed forth, spreading out across the sky and driving the clouds before it.