English to hausa meaning of

Ma’anar ƙamus na “collation” shine aikin kwatantawa da bambanta abubuwa biyu ko fiye don gano kamanceceniya da bambance-bambancen su. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga tsarin haɗawa da tsara bayanai ko kayayyaki a takamaiman tsari ko jeri. A fannin kimiyyar kwamfuta, “collation” na nufin ka’idoji da algorithms da ake amfani da su wajen kwatantawa da kuma daidaita bayanan haruffa a cikin ma’adanar bayanai ko yaren shirye-shirye.

Sentence Examples

  1. Elton, indeed, shewed no unwillingness to mix, and be as agreeable as they could but during the two whole hours that were spent on the hill, there seemed a principle of separation, between the other parties, too strong for any fine prospects, or any cold collation, or any cheerful Mr.