English to hausa meaning of

Clustering yana nufin tsarin haɗa abubuwa iri ɗaya ko wuraren bayanai tare bisa wasu sharuɗɗa, kamar kusancinsu ko kamanceceniyarsu. A cikin ilimin kimiyyar kwamfuta da koyan na'ura, ana yawan amfani da tari azaman dabara don tantance bayanai, haƙar ma'adinan bayanai, da kuma gano ƙirar ƙira. Algorithms na tari suna ƙoƙarin gano ƙira ko tsari a cikin bayanai ta hanyar rarraba su zuwa ƙungiyoyi, ko gungu, waɗanda ke da halaye iri ɗaya ko kaddarorin. Manufar ita ce haɓaka kamanceceniya tsakanin abubuwa a cikin gungu yayin rage kamance tsakanin abubuwa a cikin gungu daban-daban.


  1. cluster
  2. bunch
  3. clump

Sentence Examples

  1. They rushed onto the arena, young and old, rich and poor, eagerly clustering around their victorious prince, but were kept at bay by a ring of protective guards.
  2. It was the clustering that really gave away that it was a ship.
  3. From every hill I climbed I saw the same abundance of splendid buildings, endlessly varied in material and style, the same clustering thickets of evergreens, the same blossom-laden trees and tree ferns.
  4. The locomotive slowed and most of the people clustering at the edges of the carriage disembarked.
  5. In fact, of the twenty rose-trees which formed the parterre, not one bore the mark of the slug, nor were there evidences anywhere of the clustering aphis which is so destructive to plants growing in a damp soil.