English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "clustered" ita ce taruwa ko rukuni tare a cikin gungu ko babban taro. Yana nufin tarin ko gungun abubuwa makamantansu ko daidaikun mutane waɗanda ke kusa ko kusa da juna. Ana iya amfani da kalmar “clustered” don bayyana abubuwa iri-iri ko abubuwa kamar tsirrai, gine-gine, taurari, wuraren bayanai, da dai sauransu.


  1. agglomerate
  2. agglomerated
  3. agglomerative

Sentence Examples

  1. Two hundred yards away, crowds of people clustered around the remains of the Great Hall.
  2. He had slaughtered them all save a small group clustered over something in the distance.
  3. The lower buildings clustered and leaned against their gigantic brethren, and wide roads sliced through it all, heaving with an unimaginable population.
  4. Surviving police officers clustered in a small group, the dead encircling them.
  5. The streets around Ald Gate were clustered with fortune-tellers conning silly women from their pennies.
  6. An abundance of hazel spots clustered around the center, and the hues of green seemed to change depending on the angle from which I viewed them.
  7. Patrons scattered in small clustered groups of twos and threes amongst the tables, filling the inn with the low undertone of conversation, the words indiscernible.
  8. He felt his mind collapse when he saw what the demons were clustered over.
  9. He was rescued from his predicament by the spectacle of a large group of woodfolk congregated in the clearing, clustered around Tree Wind and the harvesters.
  10. He was greeted by friendly, relaxed nods from those woodfolk who were still clustered around the breakfast fire.