English to hausa meaning of

A cewar ƙamus na Turanci na Oxford , ɗan wasa suna suna ne da ke nufin ɗan wasan ban dariya, yawanci mai yin wasan kwaikwayo a wasan circus, wanda ke sa tufafin gargajiya da kayan shafa wanda ke da launi mai haske, da jan hanci, da kuma karin girman fuska. , kuma wanda ke yin wasan kwaikwayo na ban dariya da dabaru iri-iri don nishadantar da masu sauraro. Hakanan ana iya amfani da kalmar don siffanta wawa ko wawa, ko kuma wanda ke nuna halin banza ko ban dariya.


  1. buffoon

Sentence Examples

  1. Being kids first and knights second, they also loved to clown for the cameras.
  2. Whimsical Clown Girl Vintage Look Pastel Blue Mint This fun posterl is designed using my original whimsical mixed media collage art of a vintage style girl clown with an inspirational message to remember to find beauty in the everyday.
  3. Abstract Art Whimsical Girl Mime Clown Colorful This fun poster was created using my original, artistic portrait of a girl with clown or mime like doodles on a stylized face with abstract, colorful hair.
  4. A hysterical laugh unnerved him, like a maniacal clown.
  5. As he was reflecting in this wise, his eyes fell upon an immense placard which a sort of clown was carrying through the streets.
  6. A hundred of them had, according to their habit, jumped upon the steps without stopping the train, with the ease of a clown mounting a horse at full gallop.
  7. When she lifted her head, the wrinkled brow and the volume of makeup she had painted on her face made her look like a clown.
  8. Before long, I skated across a sheet of ice like an awkward ballerina wearing clown shoes and fell flat on my back.