English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "kumburi" ita ce:siffa: (1) An ƙirƙira ta zuwa dunƙule ko kuma talakawa; coagulated. (2) Mai kauri ko murɗewa, galibi ana amfani da shi don siffanta wani abu mai ɗanɗano ko ɗan ɗaɗi. don yin coagulation. (2) Don ya zama mai kauri ko murƙushe, galibi ana amfani da shi don siffanta wani ruwa ko ruwa mai ƙarfi ko ya zama gelatinous.


  1. clogged

Sentence Examples

  1. Peeling her socks away was another matter they had clotted into her bloody blisters and she ripped one and then the other off, almost crying with pain.
  2. His fist was sore but had clotted, the blood had stained his arm.
  3. Schneider flipped off the monitor and the room was clotted darkness.
  4. Her fingers pawed at her face, her nails clotted here and there with what appeared to be dried blood.
  5. The arms proved harder with the sleeves catching on the puffy skin, and trails of clotted blood ruining the purity of the white.
  6. The gleam of the match which he struck shone upon his clotted fingers and upon the ghastly pool which widened slowly from the crushed skull of the victim.
  7. As Arantay knelt before her, Brooke noticed his pupils were vertically slit and his irises were just too red, like clotted blood.
  8. Harry investigated the little holes in the speaker end of the phone, the holes were clotted with grease and grime.
  9. Penn came into the room followed by two young boys, one carrying a tray of freshly baked scones and clotted cream and the other a tray with a large jug of mead and three goblets.