English to hausa meaning of

Kalmar "kusa" tana iya samun ma'anoni da yawa dangane da mahallin da aka yi amfani da ita. Ga ‘yan ma’anoni gama gari: Adjective - kusa ko a ɗan gajeren tazara a sarari ko lokaci; ba nisa ba. Misali: Shagon yana kusa da gidana. don kawo wani abu zuwa ƙarshe. Misali: Da fatan za a rufe kofa idan kun tafi. ta hanyar da ta kusan daidai ko cikakke. Misali: Ta zo kusa da lashe tseren. Suna - an enclosed area; ƙarshe ko ƙarewa. Misali: Fim ɗin yana da kusanci kusa da abin mamaki. sirri. Misali: Shi mutum ne na kud-da-kud kuma ba ya raba tunaninsa cikin sauki. Misali: Ya rike igiyar kusa da jikinsa.

Sentence Examples

  1. No one on patrols had ever come close enough to check.
  2. Why were so many of them close to the back entrance?
  3. I saw the window open a bit later, and figured someone had just forgotten to close it.
  4. Markos stomped a hoof, so close to Aric he almost fell over.
  5. I was in awe of what I suspected might be as close to perfection as a person could get.
  6. Vincenzo and Cecilia Castigliano showed up uninvited at my house with a request to keep Emma overnight, claiming they missed their daughter and wanted to feel close to her.
  7. That kid might come close to a hundred miles per hour.
  8. I needed to quit, but I was close to getting my name on the credits for a full season, and this would be the exact bonus to staking a claim to my own show in the future.
  9. None of us were related by blood, but we were as close as real siblings.
  10. Carla huddled close to Jordan at the end of the queue.

TV Series Examples



Every time l close my eyes



best close your eyes,



Some doors close forever...



How close did you get?



l came very close once.



lf l close my eyes,