English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "clone" ita ce:(suna) kwayoyin halitta iri ɗaya ne ko rukuni na kwayoyin halitta waɗanda aka samo daga iyaye ɗaya ta hanyar jima'i. reproduction or biotechnological means.mutum ko abu da yake daidai kwafin wani. (fi'ili) don samar da wata halitta iri ɗaya ce ta kwayoyin halitta ko rukuni na kwayoyin halitta ta hanyar haɓakar jima'i ko hanyoyin fasahar halittu. don samar da ainihin kwafin wani abu ko wani. /ol>


  1. clon

Sentence Examples

  1. The main points of the meeting had already been covered and Gorvik, the Director of Cloning and Socialization, was explaining why he believed the Seventh article of the Clone Acts needed to be reformed.
  2. He obviously wanted to harness her support on the free clone issue.
  3. Another, the great King Clone, was a creosote bush colony in the heart of the Mojave Desert.
  4. All clone personnel at the Hub came under the category Packer even if their duties were more specific.
  5. Wherever a clone silver line ran parallel to a citizen gold line, there was partitioning.
  6. Because we produce a clone labour force, it affects citizen reproduction.
  7. How Ore married Freya and how, because neither were fertile, they decided to clone a daughter from Freya.
  8. Although he could not think of a single clone who had ever done this, he still thought it the safer course of action.
  9. Gorvik and the boffins have all the details, but that blueprint and its approved signs define the range of variation open to clone consciousness.
  10. In fact, it would have been impossible for the Security Department to observe every clone at the same time because its personnel were too few.