English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "yanke" na iya bambanta dangane da mahallin da aka yi amfani da ita. Ga wasu ma’anoni da aka fi sani da su: Don yanke ko cire wani abu da almakashi, shears, ko makamancinsa, sau da yawa cikin sauri ko kuma ba zato ba tsammani. Misali: Ta zare takardun shaida daga jaridar. Misali: Mai lambu ya yanke shingen zuwa sifofi masu kyau. Misali: Dokin ya guntule a kan hanya da sauri. Misali: Mai gudanarwa ya yanke lokacin lasifikar saboda tsantsar jadawali. Misali: Ta zare alqalami a littafinta na rubutu. Misali: Wasu yarukan yanki suna zage ƙarshen wasu kalmomi. Don haifar da rasa tsayi ko tsayi ba zato ba tsammani, kamar a cikin jirgin sama. Misali: Matukin jirgin ya datse reshen bishiyar. Misali: Barawon ya zare jakar hannun matar ya gudu.

Sentence Examples

  1. Grabbing two barrettes, she gathered her hair back off her face where she clipped them over her left ear.
  2. After taking a moment to digest what was potentially about to happen he leaped to his feet, clipped his backpack on, and ran to his bike.
  3. Was her tone naturally that clipped or just when she talked to him, he wondered.
  4. Cass grabbed a small pistol holster and clipped it to her belt, which rested unconnected atop her skirt.
  5. I clipped the Bluetooth-style earpiece on, slid the device into my pocket and grinned at my foster brother.
  6. She was probably around thirty-five or so, with her dark hair clipped to chin-length and an expression on her face that could freeze water.
  7. My fingers had brushed the invisible device clipped to my ear, the one Ada had given me.
  8. By instinct Dillon shot his foot out and clipped the creature in the side.
  9. He raised an eyebrow as she dressed, her movements clipped and abrupt.
  10. Ms Weston flicked through the pages clipped to the board, and nodded.