English to hausa meaning of

Akwai ma'anoni daban-daban na kalmar "clip" dangane da mahallin da aka yi amfani da ita. Anan ga wasu ma'anonin ƙamus na gama gari:Na'urar da ake amfani da ita don haɗa abubuwa tare ko wuri ɗaya, kamar faifan takarda ko guntun gashi. Don yankewa. ko a datsa wani abu da almakashi ko shears. Don buge ko buga wani abu da sauri da sauƙi. /li> Don motsawa cikin gaggauce ko sauri, sau da yawa tare da saurin mataki ko haske, motsin motsi.Don rage ko rage wani abu, kamar ikon mutum ko tasirinsa. li>Karfe ko kwantena da ke ɗauke da harsashi don harbi. kadan ne daga cikin ma'anar kalmar "clip." Ma'anar kalmar na iya bambanta dangane da mahallin da aka yi amfani da ita.

Sentence Examples

  1. Irene is there waiting, talking to a tall, thin woman in jeans and a top reminiscent of the seventies with long brown hair captured in back by a multi-colored clip that matches her shirt.
  2. Lukas came back to stand before her, tugged at the clip of her helmet, and pulled it off.
  3. The clip clop, clip clop of trotting horse hooves came to his ears.
  4. The officer slipped a clip in and Harry could not see him as the dead had surrounded him.
  5. Rays of sun soaked into my skin as I readjusted my hair clip.
  6. When I was finished, I brushed out my hair and pulled the sides back into a clip.
  7. What followed was a clip of a BOTCOR marketing executive whom I recognized from a company Christmas party.
  8. Then I brushed my hair up out of my face, using a clip to hold it in place.
  9. I dropped my rifle, letting it hang from the clip attaching it to my shoulder, and grabbed his ankle.