English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "manne" shine ka riƙe wani abu ko wani, yawanci saboda tsoro ko damuwa. Hakanan yana iya nufin riko ko mannewa kusa da wani abu, ko kasancewa a manne ko haɗawa da wani abu ko wani. Bugu da ƙari, yana iya komawa zuwa maƙasudin dagewa ko ƙiyayya ga wani ra'ayi ko imani.

Sentence Examples

  1. How often do we cling onto old thoughts and ideas?
  2. Enthusiasm cannot cling to what itself is unenthusiastic, nor will he ever have disciples who has not himself impulsive zeal enough to be a disciple.
  3. He slipped through it, and when I tried to cling to Him, He raised me up and flung me down.
  4. Belah struggled not to reach out and cling to him, instead crying out her affirmation.
  5. Richard did not reply, his breathing was now coming a little faster, and the linen on the back of his shirt was beginning to cling to his dampened skin.
  6. His impulse was to cling to her, to refuse to let her out of his sight, but he knew what she was suggesting was the best course.
  7. Then the door opens and in walks Richard and my legs buckle and I have to cling to the counter hoping no one has noticed.
  8. She sees Jackson and tries to pat it back in place, but the hairs cling to her hand and get teased wilder and wilder.
  9. Rune shook his head as he watched a drop of mead cling to the lip of the bottle still resting on the steps.
  10. After some time shunting about tea towels, oven gloves, aprons, plastic bags, boxes of matches and candles, a roll of cling wrap, several cork screws and a never-used rolling pin gifted by my mother, I kneel down and extract the contents item by item, shaking and rattling until I find the key lodged in a small leather pouch.