English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "clew" na iya bambanta dangane da mahallin da aka yi amfani da shi. Anan akwai wasu ma'anoni kaɗan masu yiwuwa: (noun) ball na zaren ko zaren(noun) wani yanki na shaida ko alamar da ke taimakawa warware wani asiri ko wuyar warwarewa. (suna) ƙananan kusurwar jirgin ruwa, inda aka makala takardar(fi'ili) don warwarewa ko kwance ƙwallon zare ko zare( fi’ili) don gano ko warware wani sirri ko wuyar warwarewaDa fatan za a samar da ƙarin mahallin idan kuna buƙatar ƙarin takamaiman ma'anar.

Sentence Examples

  1. He imagined he had discovered a clew to the secret, and he felt pleased, because a visit to Athos, in the first place, promised him much satisfaction, and, in the next, gave him the hope of finding at the same time a good bed and good supper.
  2. Then following the clew that, in the hands of the Abbé Faria, had been so skilfully used to guide him through the Dædalian labyrinth of probabilities, he thought that the Cardinal Spada, anxious not to be watched, had entered the creek, concealed his little barque, followed the line marked by the notches in the rock, and at the end of it had buried his treasure.
  3. Before following the clew, he communicated his success to his companions and while the latter were consulting on the circumstance, the youth reappeared, leading the two fillies, with their saddles broken, and the housings soiled, as though they had been permitted to run at will for several days.
  4. If a rock, or a rivulet, or a bit of earth harder than common, severed the links of the clew they followed, the true eye of the scout recovered them at a distance, and seldom rendered the delay of a single moment necessary.
  5. placed in our hands, such portion as details the following up of the apparently slight clew obtained by Dupin.