English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "classified" ita ce:siffa: an tsara shi cikin nau'i ko azuzuwan; wanda aka tara bisa ga halaye ko halaye. >noun:talla ce da aka raba, yawanci a cikin jarida ko mujallu. waɗanda aka ware kuma aka ɓoye su daga duk wasu mutane masu izini.

Sentence Examples

  1. Except there was only one place bloodrock, a highly classified illegal offworld substance, was available.
  2. The scoutmaster had all kinds of classified docs in it.
  3. She knew too well the overreaching power of the unions, both certificated and classified, and had come to recognize that the needs of the students were not foremost in either of their agendas.
  4. Apparently, the Joint Chiefs requested the military planners come up with a classified operations plan aimed at transnational terrorists.
  5. The fact that he would spill such highly classified information on me raised even more concerns.
  6. He merely classified the things that hurt and the things that did not hurt.
  7. So, Nathan searched over the computer files, only to find most encrypted and classified as one might expect working at a government installation.
  8. Kirk told him there were some copies of some classified emails and the Annual Field Office Report.
  9. And I mean I went over the classified section carefully.
  10. All she needed was a book that classified the different wind types.