English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "classic" na iya bambanta dangane da mahallin da aka yi amfani da ita, amma wasu ma'anoni gama gari sun haɗa da: Adjective: na ko alaƙa da tsoffin Helenawa da Romawa, musamman ma fasaharsu, adabi, da al’adunsu, ko kuma wani abu da ake ɗauka a matsayin wakilci ko kuma irin wannan lokacin. Adjective: riko da salo ko tsari na gargajiya ko na al'ada, musamman wanda aka san shi ko kuma ya kafu.Misali. : Ƙararren ƙirar motar ta kasance sananne shekaru da yawa.Noun: aikin fasaha, adabi, ko kiɗan da ake ɗaukan mafi inganci da jurewa. darajar, sau da yawa ana gane su a matsayin ma'auni ko ma'auni a cikin filinsa.Misali: Shakespeare's plays are considered classics na Turanci wallafe-wallafe. Suna: mutum ko wani abu da aka fi sani da shi a matsayin misali na musamman na irinsa. , kalmar "classic" sau da yawa tana nuni da wani abu maras lokaci, abin koyi, kuma a ko'ina aka san shi a matsayin ma'auni na ƙwarewa.

Sentence Examples

  1. On desperate seas long wont to roam, Thy hyacinth hair, thy classic face, Thy Naiad airs have brought me home To the glory that was Greece And the grandeur that was Rome.
  2. His head shaved in classic jarhead fashion, Brower was one of those former Marines who never got over it.
  3. In return, he benefited from my ability to understand classic literature.
  4. His oval-shaped face was perfectly balanced, and his classic square jaw and strong chin made him even more appealing.
  5. Byron, Dickens, Milton, Plato-he had every classic anyone could name.
  6. I hope you enjoy my alternative take on this classic sub-genre.
  7. From her spot on the glider under the trees, she could see the flicker of the television set as her father watched a classic western feature.
  8. Classic features à la ancient battlefields, midnight rituals, and dark, lush forests.
  9. I have a much older step-brother who listens to classic rock.
  10. Still sporting chrome napkin holders, brick-red vinyl seats, and a counter with a row of classic round seats, its old-school greasy-spoon appearance contradicted the good food which the owner, Raymond Chow, had served there for the last thirty years.