English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "bayyana" shine don sauƙaƙawa wani abu don fahimta ko kuma ƙara bayyana shi da bayyane. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga aikin tsarkakewa ko cire ƙazanta daga wani abu, kamar fayyace man shanu ko ruwa. Bugu da ƙari, yana iya nufin ba da haske a kan wani yanayi, don bayyanawa ko fayyace batu, ko kuma kawar da duk wani shubuha ko ruɗani da ka iya kasancewa.

Sentence Examples

  1. Media did little to clarify the situation by only hinting at recognition of hard work.
  2. When Khaly asked her to clarify, her mother rushed her out the door.
  3. That would clarify how those two were connected, but not why Abby was murdered.
  4. He was dismayed and frustrated that he had been unable to clarify the situation with King William now, but resolved that when he returned to London in the spring for the tournament, he would convince the King to give his blessing.
  5. Just to clarify, this was a Swazi-Christian wedding.
  6. She thought about asking him to clarify, but he continued.