English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "clank" sauti ne mai kaifi, na ƙarfe wanda abubuwa biyu ke bugun juna, yawanci a cikin ƙarfi da maimaitawa. Hakanan yana iya komawa zuwa sautin da wani abu mai nauyi ya yi da aka jefa ko motsi a dunƙule. A matsayin fi’ili, “clank” na nufin yi ko sa a yi sautin dangi.

Sentence Examples

  1. Borg fell to the floor immobile, with the clank of his sword.
  2. The clank of the barn door woke her in the morning.
  3. There followed a barely audible clank of metal and the grating swing of the gate.
  4. The upraised vessel was violently ripped from his hands, its contents spilt over jacket and hose before landing with a metallic clank against the kitchen door.
  5. Khaly placed her pack in front of her and pulled out her clothes, placing them in her lap to keep them clean, then dug out the cooking supplies she just packed away, placing them on the ground, careful to not let them clank together.
  6. The deafening clank of elding on stone ended when Nordri stomped the end of the chain and stopped Kallan short.
  7. The sharp clank of soapstone plates dropped to the floor accompanied a bellow of laughter from an inebriate nearby.
  8. But Charlie tossed the knife to the floor with a clank and he pulled out his shotgun and tossed it to the floor as well.
  9. Dean crept forward, the floorboards let out a shrilling creak and clank.
  10. The clank of the door closing behind her made her jerk to attention.