English to hausa meaning of

A matsayin suna, “clamp” wata na’ura ce da ake amfani da ita wajen adanawa, damfara, ko riƙe abubuwa tare don hana motsi ko rabuwa. rike wani abu a wurin ta amfani da matse. Hakanan yana iya nufin takurawa ko iyakance wani abu, ko zartar da hukunci ko hukunci.

Sentence Examples

  1. As my arms flailed, I felt a clamp grasp onto my wrist.
  2. He suckles it, and I want to close my eyes and moan, but I clamp those reactions down tight.
  3. In a flash, she grasped his arm with both hands, giving me just enough time to clamp my eyes shut before the room was filled with blinding light.
  4. I took advantage of her weakness to get out the cuffs and clamp them around her wrists.
  5. He turns away and picks up a clamp, twisting the handle of the screw.
  6. I either had the urge to clamp my hands over my ears or cry tears of joy.
  7. When the car jerked to a stop, Jessie had to clamp her molars together to keep from throwing up.
  8. The spider demon wrenched its spiked leg back out of him and Evan fel to his knees, trying desperately to clamp his hands over the hole.
  9. I had to force myself not to clamp my hands down over my own ears, safely hidden by my hair, as a sudden burst of adrenaline cascaded through me.
  10. The thing darted in towards him, its massive jaw open, to clamp around his body while its strange trunk coiled out to totally engulf him.