English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "da'awa" na iya bambanta dangane da mahallin, amma gabaɗaya yana nufin magana ko ƙulla cewa wani abu gaskiya ne, yawanci ba tare da shaida ko hujja ba. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga buƙatu ko neman wani abu, kamar kuɗi ko haƙƙi, wanda wanda ya yarda ana bin su. Ƙari ga haka, “da’awa” na iya komawa ga aikin ɗauka ko ƙaddamar da wani abu a matsayin nasa, ko wani yanki ko wata ƙasa da wani ya mallaka ko ya mamaye shi.

Sentence Examples

  1. Some people claim that angels are floating overhead interrupting conversation, others call it a pregnant pause.
  2. All spirits at the Hotel Monteleone are friendly, claim owners, more mischievous than scary.
  3. They show up here, hold us at daggerpoint, and claim that your mother is alive?
  4. Never before had it hurt her this much to deny herself something, and the recognition that she now had some inkling of what Lach was going through exacerbated her discomposure until she began to wonder if it might be wiser to hide in her bed the entire day, claim she was ill.
  5. Charlene scratches her head, looks away and offers up that nervous laugh again, like the criminals I used to interview for the newspaper, the ones who would claim they were innocent while avoiding your eyes and shuffling their feet.
  6. Too bad New Orleans never had such pull, I think, as I head down impeccable marble aisles toward the baggage claim.
  7. Ghost tour guides claim it may not have been an accident, but her name and details of her death are never given, much to my frustration.
  8. Whatever her father might claim, he knew guilt over the damage he might be doing to the House would prove a powerful motivator for Lach.
  9. It would have been far better had she been able to claim some engagement.
  10. I needed to quit, but I was close to getting my name on the credits for a full season, and this would be the exact bonus to staking a claim to my own show in the future.

TV Series Examples



Your son has no claim to the throne.



You cannot claim them all, Princess.



Lord Stannis has the best claim to the throne.



Onward, to claim what is yours!