English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "hakika" gaskiya ne ko yanayin da ke da alaƙa da ko dacewa da wani abu ko aiki. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga yanayi ko yanayin da wani abu ya faru ko ya wanzu, ko takamaiman bayani ko gaskiyar lamari. Gabaɗaya, “hali” yana nufin abubuwan mahallin da ke tasiri wani yanayi ko wani lamari.

Sentence Examples

  1. This circumstance favored me greatly in the project I now determined to adopt.
  2. But a circumstance which has been left out of view by those who contend for such a limit seemed to me, although no positive refutation of their creed, still a point worthy very serious investigation.
  3. This circumstance did not fail to give me the most heartful satisfaction, and I hailed it as a happy omen of ultimate success.
  4. Circumstance had made them partners, but his wish to be her friend came from within.
  5. It was not, however, until long after this time that the rays of the setting sun ceased to illumine the balloon and this circumstance, although of course fully anticipated, did not fail to give me an infinite deal of pleasure.
  6. Now this was a circumstance the more to be observed, as Pfaall, with three companions, had actually disappeared from Rotterdam about five years before, in a very sudden and unaccountable manner, and up to the date of this narrative all attempts had failed of obtaining any intelligence concerning them whatsoever.
  7. She was asking him to possibly betray his partner, an uncomfortable request regardless of circumstance.
  8. The highest peak of our Parnassus is, according to these gentlemen, by far the most thickly settled portion of the country, a circumstance which must make it an uncomfortable residence for individuals of a poetical temperament, if love of solitude be, as immemorial tradition asserts, a necessary part of their idiosyncrasy.
  9. Funny how the passage of years will shift perspective and how adaptable the human species is when faced with reality-bending circumstance.
  10. It was plain obvious she was a victim of circumstance, lawbreaker or not, and the same went for her family.