English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na "chronicle" shine mutumin da ke rubuta abubuwan tarihi ko abubuwan da suka faru a cikin tsari na gaskiya da na lokaci. Marubucin tarihi shine wanda ya rubuta game da abubuwan da suka gani ko bincike, kuma ana ɗaukar rubuce-rubucensu a matsayin takaddun tarihi masu mahimmanci. Ana iya samun littattafan tarihin a fagage daban-daban, gami da tarihi, adabi, da aikin jarida. Su ne ke da alhakin tattara abubuwan da suka faru da labaran da za su iya ɓacewa na lokaci, kuma aikinsu yana taimakawa wajen adana al'adun al'umma.

Sentence Examples

  1. The duke and duchess left him to repose and withdrew greatly grieved at the unfortunate result of the joke as they never thought the adventure would have fallen so heavy on Don Quixote or cost him so dear, for it cost him five days of confinement to his bed, during which he had another adventure, pleasanter than the late one, which his chronicler will not relate just now in order that he may turn his attention to Sancho Panza, who was proceeding with great diligence and drollery in his government.
  2. All these wonders and magical effects which the chronicler has heaped up, or rather embalmed, in his recital, at the risk of rivaling the brain-born scenes of romancers these splendors whereby night seemed vanquished and nature corrected, together with every delight and luxury combined for the satisfaction of all the senses, as well as the imagination, Fouquet did in real truth offer to his sovereign in that enchanting retreat of which no monarch could at that time boast of possessing an equal.
  3. The medieval chronicler, William of Malmesbury, stated that he died of a painful disease, which was regarded as a visitation of Providence towards the king for expelling Saint Wilfrid from his dignity and possessions.
  4. They then got ready to go the rounds, and he started with the majordomo, the secretary, the head-carver, the chronicler charged with recording his deeds, and alguacils and notaries enough to form a fair-sized squadron.