English to hausa meaning of

Ma’anar ƙamus na kalmar “Kirista” tana nufin mutumin da ya gaskata kuma ya bi koyarwar Yesu Kiristi. Hakanan ana iya amfani da shi azaman sifa don siffanta abubuwan da ke da alaƙa da Kiristanci ko kuma sun dace da aƙidar Kiristanci ko dabi'u. An samo kalmar daga kalmar Helenanci “Christos,” ma’ana “shafaffe” ko kuma “zaɓaɓɓe,” wanda aka yi amfani da shi wajen nuni ga Yesu a Sabon Alkawari na Littafi Mai Tsarki.

Sentence Examples

  1. What I learned revived my hopes, and I was better pleased not to have found Don Fernando than to find him married, for it seemed to me that the door was not yet entirely shut upon relief in my case, and I thought that perhaps Heaven had put this impediment in the way of the second marriage, to lead him to recognise his obligations under the former one, and reflect that as a Christian he was bound to consider his soul above all human objects.
  2. Generous with his time and comfort, he brought a Christian civility not found in the pulpits of the Church of God and Southern Baptist churches.
  3. Not as a true Christian, but as a believer in a higher authority.
  4. They took leave of all, and of the good Maritornes, who, sinner as she was, promised to pray a rosary of prayers that God might grant them success in such an arduous and Christian undertaking as that they had in hand.
  5. Unlike every other Christian church in the city, the Temple did not have a spire or bell tower, it had a dome as if it belonged in the center of power in Washington and, towering over this, three spires.
  6. Basil said a word, nor Cicero had any knowledge nor do the niceties of truth nor the observations of astrology come within the range of its fanciful vagaries nor have geometrical measurements or refutations of the arguments used in rhetoric anything to do with it nor does it mean to preach to anybody, mixing up things human and divine, a sort of motley in which no Christian understanding should dress itself.
  7. He put a constraint upon himself, and struggled to repel and repress the pleasure he found in contemplating Camilla when alone he blamed himself for his weakness, called himself a bad friend, nay a bad Christian then he argued the matter and compared himself with Anselmo always coming to the conclusion that the folly and rashness of Anselmo had been worse than his faithlessness, and that if he could excuse his intentions as easily before God as with man, he had no reason to fear any punishment for his offence.
  8. A good Christian girl and an attic full of heathen charms.
  9. Anyway, when Cassie saw that, she called Brower because she said it was her Christian duty.
  10. But no, little Miss Christian had to go running to the sheriff.