English to hausa meaning of

Christchurch suna ne da ya dace wanda ke nufin wani birni da ke Kudancin Tsibirin New Zealand. Ita ce birni mafi girma a yankin Canterbury kuma birni na uku mafi girma a New Zealand, yana da kusan mutane 400,000. Sunan "Christchurch" ya fito daga Tsohuwar kalmomin Ingilishi "Christes cirice," wanda ke nufin "Ikilisiyar Almasihu." Mazaunan Anglican sun sanya sunan birnin a tsakiyar karni na 19, wanda ke da nufin kafa "samfurin matsugunin Anglican" a cikin New Zealand. A yau, Christchurch an san shi da kyawawan lambuna, wuraren shakatawa, da gine-gine na tarihi, da kuma yanayin al'adunsa da dama da dama don kasada a waje.

Sentence Examples

  1. The helicopter hugged the coastline of the island, accelerating as it turned west towards Yarmouth and Hurst Castle, before heading south-west into Christchurch Bay where the USS Chester was cruising towards them at impulse power.
  2. A shapeless mass in total darkness, stretching as far as the eye could see, punctuated by the Needles rocks like giant jagged teeth, facing Christchurch Bay.
  3. The lighthouse no longer cast its beam over Christchurch Bay warning ships to stay clear.
  4. The view over Christchurch Bay was spectacular, the island glinting in the morning sun.
  5. The rifle shot rang out across Christchurch Bay, echoing around the battlements, shattering the silence of the early morning.
  6. Coupled with an eastwards flowing tide and a westerly wind, it made the half-mile out to the deeper water of Christchurch Bay bumpier than usual.
  7. They were both local, from just up the road in Christchurch, and had known the sisters from their church group.
  8. To their north-west, towards Bournemouth and Christchurch, a patch of black clouds hurried through, rainsqualls falling beneath.